Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Friends & Connections!

" Strength Through Women's Friendships" hooked wool wall hanging...done for the Green Mountain Rug Show a couple of years ago with the theme "Strong Women"! (c) sunnie andress 2005

I've been so pleased over the last few months to begin Blogging and connect with so many new friends! We live in a rural area of Vermont, up by the Canadian border, and the internet gives me the opportunity to meet kindred spirits from all over the world!

Just recently, I found a friend from Toronto who is also a rug hooker. The Oriental rug Wendie is just finishing up is beautiful! I hope you will visit her Blog - The Rugged Moose - and see the picture of this rug. The colours are so deep and rich.

Another new friend is Kathleen from Australia! You should see the beautiful quilts she does with exotic fabrics! I hope you will visit her Blog too -Magik Quilter - and read about her adventures with quilts and "shopping"!
Both of these new friends are on my Blog List of favourites to visit. You'll love all the wonderful artists and craftspeople on my list!! Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Here We Go Again - Snowing! Turkey Visit!

A visit from a flock of Turkeys a few days ago! No, they are not our relatives!!!! LOL

And then there's today's snow! LOL (Our barn view again!!!)
I do love the snow...but this is going to be one of the snowiest winters in Vermont if I'm hearing the news correctly!!! : ) Of course, as I've said many times, we love the snow and since we do not have to be anywhere special for the most part...we can stay in and enjoy the peace and quiet!

Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday! : )

Funny Chicken Chairpads!
These funny chairpads are my latest project while finishing up my 2nd rug in the Shepherdess and her sheep series. Chicken designs (c) Sunnie Andress, 2008
These are
"Primitive Chicken and Stars", "Chickens Chatting" and "Birds and Bonnets"!!

I'm really having fun with the Chicken chairpads!!!
Working now on #4 in this group, "Chicken Gardening"

I find that I am posting more on my WordPress blog
(Folk Art at Old Crow Farm in Vermont)
as it seems to post faster and to see More of what I'm up to, please visit me there also...(link in my Blogs list too))
As For "Super Tuesday" - Whew!

I'm sure glad I'm not in politics!! Husband and I have decided that we will not run for President in the near future! Aren't you thankful? LOL

Happy Hooking! Sunnie : )