Tuesday, December 18, 2007

More Snow!!

Happy Winter Everyone!
Thank goodness for a snowblower! My husband and I used to clear all of it by just hands and shovels! But now at age 76 and my soon-to-be 66, we thought a snowblower would be wise investment!

As you can see, we are clearing deeper paths to the barn and to the garage which is across the street! The mailbox post is getting covered up with the snow and the snowplow throwing ever more snow on it!!! : ) The snow is higher and higher! This is a Vermont winter!!! LOL

One of my good friends left a Blog message for me discussing the problem some people have in the winter...the lack of sunlight. Also, the cold and the stark landscape can cause depression and a feeling of sickness or just feeling "not right" during these days. I am fortunate to be one who is not really affected by the weather. My only problem with weather would be hot, humid summer days when I feel limp and wet with no energy! But no weather causes me any depression or emotional distress...and I am very thankful for that. My good thoughts and warm wishes go out to all who suffer with these problems. The answers and treatments are not always easy.

Have a wonderful Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Good grief, lady, you're being buried by snow!! In your pictures, it looks so pretty and undisturbed.....and I wish it would stay that way in my yard. But the kids waiting for the school bus on my corner use my yard as their playground so the snow is trampled. That, and the people who walk their dogs leave all of that "nice" yellow snow behind. LOL.

I have to say that as pretty as it is, today we are forecasted to have a high near 50 and all of the snow and ice from last weekend is mostly a bad memory. I pray, though, for the families of the smaller electric co-ops who are still, after 9 days, without power.

But.......don't you just love having a snow blower? We used to shovel by hand also until the back, hands and arms started to complain. Now I bundle my husband up and send HIM outside to blow it off the driveway. That's as it should be.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful, happy and blessed Christmas, along with all of the snow you want.

Sunnie said...

Hi JoJo...always love to hear from you! Yep...we've really got snow!!! Stay warm and have a lovely Christmas. Sunnie : )

Edna Bridges said...

Happy Birthday on December 21st, Dear One! I turned 66 also on my last birthday. Life is good!!

Suzanne said...

Hi Sunnie~

Came by to wish you a Merry Christmas...and I see you are covered in snow! Stay warm!